Saturday, February 12, 2011

Should Your Baby's Stroller Have a Reclining Seat?

View of a child and a baby in a stroller, from...Image via WikipediaThe answer is a resounding "YES."  Can you imagine the noise if you had to push a Baby Stroller that didn't have a reclining seat?  Fussy baby couldn't take a nap.  In the beginning a baby stroller was just a bed on wheels.  The baby could recline, just not sit up, then the seat was added later.

Here are a few things to look for when shopping for your baby stroller.

It should fully recline if possible and you have a a new born.

Resting recline should be between 70% and 80% reclined.

Should have more than 2 reclining positions, 5 reclining positions is really nice.

If you are getting a stroller for a newborn you should have some type of head support to prevent their little heads from bobbing all over the place.  That is not good for underdeveloped neck muscles.

Get as much padding on the seats as you can afford, it is much more comfortable for the baby.

Make sure you can access the basket with the seat fully reclined - it will help when baby is napping.

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