Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What to Look For In a Jogging Stroller Part 1

neus0071Image by pepell via FlickrThere are three types of three wheeler strollers you can buy, depending on what you are using them for.  Jogging strollers tend to be narrow, have a longer, leaner silhouette and have larger wheels than the rest of the strollers.  The seat may be narrower and the stroller may have less storage space - you are jogging, not going out for a day long tramp. 

Jogging strollers are the sports cars of strollers and have a similar price tag costing up to four times as much as your average around town strollers.

True Jogging Strollers

True jogging strollers have a fixed front wheel to avoid wheel wobbling and vibration.  This makes them great for running and difficult for maneuvering - these should be used only for jogging.  Jogging strollers usually have between 16-inch and 20-inch skinny tires on all 3 wheels.  They look like small 10-speed bike tires.  Try to get the models with 20-inch tires as these are easier to push which makes it easier on you.  The also offer a smoother ride.

Look for jogging strollers with good suspension, a well designed 5-point safety harness, good back and head support and good breaks are a must especially for infants as they will sleep while you get your miles in.  Make sure the handle will fit you and anyone else that will be pushing the baby. Check the canopy to insure good coverage with jogging into the sun.

Jogging strollers are good over paved and non paved surfaces due to the larger tires.

Part 2 coming soon.
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