Saturday, March 5, 2011

What to Look For In a Jogging Stroller Part 2

Dirt Road BackpackingImage by Zane Selvans via FlickrWhat to Look For In a Jogging Stroller - All Terrain Strollers

All terrain strollers also have 3 wheels and the front wheel swivels and tends to be smaller than the back wheels.  These can be used for jogging in a pinch as most of them have a locking front wheel.  Due to the fit of the front wheel lock these kind of strollers will vibrate a bit while running, they are just right for us walkers.

All terrain strollers are much more maneuverable than true jogging strollers because the front wheel swivels.  The large, rugged rear tires make it very easy to negotiate rough terrain.  They usually have quite a bit of storage space and a 5-point safety harness.

Most all terrain strollers have large rear tires (12-inch or so) and smaller front tires (8-inch or so.)  I like these as they soften the bumps in the sidewalks and seem to be less harsh on the baby's ride when I hit a chuckhole.

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