Monday, March 7, 2011

What to Look For In a Jogging Stroller Part 3

Stroller Rapture & Nursery FeatureImage by ex.libris via FlickrThere are many other excellent three wheel strollers on the market.  Most of these will have 8 to 10 inch rear wheels and have 4 to 6 inch front tires.  Some will have dual front tires.  These are hightly maneuverable and comfortable strollers.  They are just not made for runnng or walking.  They are make for strolling and maneuvering through stores, shopping malls and your neighborhood.

In the stroller market you usually pay more for the best stroller.   The best of the jogging and all terrain stroller will easily cost over $300.  You can find good jogging and all terrain stroller for between $200 and $300.  Going under $200 you will have to make some compromises.

The lower end strollers substitute steel frames for the aluminum frames of the top models.  This makes the stroller heavier and a bit harder to push.  Most lower end models carriy one year warranties as opposed to the five plus years for the upper priced models.  The higher price models are of course more durable and engineered better.

Next the checklist for jogging strollers.

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